List of European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas project accommodation facilities partners

The certification of accommodation facilities in the context of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas Phase 2 is a useful guide for visitors to use when selecting the best features of any area. These are facilities that have voluntarily chosen to adhere to specifications drawn up under the supervision of the Europarc Federation and Federparchi, with the involvement of operators in the local tourism chain.

The list includes facilities that have obtained the certification and the right to bear the European Charter mark and which operate within the administrative territory of the Municipalities that are in the Tuscan Archipelago National Park and the UNESCO MAB “Isole di Toscana” Biosphere Reserve according the following aims:

  1. to improve tourism facilities/tourism products and services and strengthen cooperation with the Park Authority: offer a quality service, provide information on the National Park and the UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve, develop activities for clients to explore the protected area, carry out responsible and effective promotional activities and work jointly with other tourism enterprises operating in the area of the Park and UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve;
  2. to place emphasis on the environmental behaviour of the facility itself: implement measures to save energy and water and reduce waste production, for responsible consumption and running the facility while respecting the surrounding environment and to involve staff and clients in environmental management;
  3. to support the development and protection of the local area: support products and the local economy, influence tourist flows towards less known areas or in the vicinity of the business, contribute to local projects and initiatives.