
The coordinator of the UNESCO MAB recognition of the “Isole di Toscana” Biosphere Reserve is the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, which therefore interfaces with the UNESCO MAB National Technical Committee and also with UNESCO.

The governance structure of the Reserve is organised as follows:

  • The Coordinator, established as the President of the managing body, the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, chairs both the Consultative Assembly and the Management Committee.
  • The Management Committee, made up of representatives of the main stakeholders in the area, whose function is to make decisions concerning the Biosphere Reserve, by defining and guaranteeing the implementation of the Management Plan.
  • Consultative Assembly, a broad instrument representing all the stakeholders in the Biosphere Reserve and whose function is to stimulate and monitor the work of the Management Committee.
  • Reserve Office, technically coordinated by the PNAT (TUSCAN ARCHIPELAGO NATIONAL PARK) Director (Technical Coordinator) and managed with the contribution of PNAT officials, with the support of external experts and officials of other administrations and institutions.

Taking office on 27 October 2021, the Management Committee is made up of a total of 13 bodies and representatives of the main stakeholders in the Tuscan Archipelago territory, in particular:

  1. National Park: Giampiero Sammuri;
  2. Community of the Marine Park Marino Garfagnoli  (for Mayor Zini);
  3. Park Guides: Federica Ferrini;
  4. LAG (Local Action Group) FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group): Romina Bicocchi Far Maremma LAG and Etruscan Coast FLAG;
  5. Tourism Trade Associations: Walter Tripicchio for FAITA (Italian Campsite Federation) and AAE;
  6. Commerce Trade Associations: David Cataldo for the Island of Giglio Business Consortium;
  7. Artisan Trade Associations: Franco De Simone for the business confederations, CNA and Confesercenti;
  8. Agriculture Trade Associations: Roberto Minelli for Coldiretti;
  9. Fishery Trade Associations: Daniele Vitiello for ACLI Pesca;
  10. Environmental Associations: Silvestro Mellini for Marevivo;
  11. Cultural Associations: Cecilia Pacini for Italia Nostra;
  12. Pro Loco (local office which organises cultural and athletic events): Patrizia Lupi;
  13. Schools Alessandra Rando for ISIS Foresi and ITCG CerboniAlessandra Rando per ISIS Foresi e ITCG Cerboni.

The bodies of Governance of the Biosphere Reserve will not establish a new entity and will not have regulatory powers as the Biosphere Reserve has no legal status.